Signs Now
Program/Medium: Photoshop and Illustrator
Clients: Many, listed with each image
Signs Now was my first official art related job out of college. I was the Graphic Designer who was part of the two person Sign Production team (I was responsible for putting the signs/whatever they were together visually, my senior coworker Brad actually printed and constructed them. He did design stuff too when needed, but had to focus mainly on the physical creation of the signs, so I was like the chef in a way and Brad was the oven, if you could talk to the oven and use it's years of advice to help you make better meals) that made whatever the customers asked for. It was a fast paced environment at times, and we did a large variety of work. For Sale signs, Banners for parties/events, advertisements, decals, magnets, way finding, all sorts of stuff. Sometimes customers had their graphics ready and I just had to size them correctly and get them ready for printing. Sometimes I had to put everything together myself, and make sure it was clean and pleasing to the eye. It was a decent first experience job wise and I got to learn about production from the ground floor in the design trenches. I am appreciative of Mr. Stokes Jr. for giving me my first opportunity to get my foot in the creative door, and will miss my Signs Now coworkers (especially Brad). Please click on each individual image to learn more about it (how it was made, the client, etc).